Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice 14th Edition, American Institute of Architects

Architects must be proficient in a variety of business practices to contribute to, manage, or launch a successful firm. They are responsible for the same kind of legal, financial, marketing, management, and administrative activities as any other professional. Within these broad categories, however, there are many details, including professional standards and documents, that are unique to the profession of architecture.

"The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice, 14th Edition" has 4 parts, including the profession, the firm, the project, and the contract and agreement. Each part is further divided into chapters and subchapters, including: Professional life, legal dimension of practice, and professional development Firm development, marketing and public relations, client relations, human resources, financial management, risk management, and firm operation Project definition, project delivery, project management, quality management, and building codes and regulations Types of agreements and AIA contract documents It also has some useful appendixes: Allied professional organizations, state registration boards, schools of architecture, sample AIA contract documents, glossary and Index. Most of Americans will open a book, read an average of 18 pages, and then put it away and let it sit on the shelf. I guess most architects will look through the table of content of this book, and look up the portion when they need it, and then put it away. One suggestion I have for AIA is to publish an abridged edition and reduce the number of the pages to make it more usable, and focus on the stuff that architects have to deal with everyday or 80% of the time. "The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice, 14th Edition" has 1028 pages. Overall, it is a useful resource for architects.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1028 pages
Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 14 edition (March 24, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470009578
ISBN-13: 978-0470009574
Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 1.6 x 11.1 inches

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Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook, Seventh Edition: A Manual of Quick, Accurate Solutions to Everyday Pipeline Engineering Problems, E.W. McAllister

This classic reference has built a reputation as the "go to" book to solve even the most vexing pipeline problems. Now in its seventh edition, Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook continues to set the standard by which all others are judged. The 7th edition features over 30% new and updated sections, reflecting the exponential changes in the codes, construction and equipment since the sixth edition. The seventh edition includes: recommended drill sizes for self-tapping screws, new ASTM standard reinforcing bars, calculations for calculating grounding resistance, national Electrical Code tables, Corilis meters, pump seals, progressive cavity pumps and accumulators for lubricating systems.

This is a book that many of us who years ago were pipelining in remote areas relied upon when there were no mobile phones or instant communications. It was a book, a pipeliner's bible. A must-have reference work for the pipeline professional, its durable, handy paperback format is perfect for on the job, in the office, or on the road.Now it its sixth edition, Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook has been and continues to be the standard resource for any professional in the pipeline industry.

Product Details :
Paperback: 762 pages
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing; 7 edition (June 5, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1856175006
ISBN-13: 978-1856175005
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.7 x 11 inches

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Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook 12th Edition, Thomas Shoemaker

The definitive guide to distribution and transmission line technology—fully updated

Completely revised to reflect the 2012 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), The Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook, 12th Edition, provides in-depth information on overhead and underground distribution and transmission lines. The latest OSHA, ANSI, and ASTM standards are emphasized throughout.

This authoritative resource presents basic principles, equipment, standards, and safety regulations, allowing electrical workers to avoid costly errors, diagnose and repair power failures, and ensure optimum safety. A wealth of illustrations and photographs make it easy to understand the material, and self-test questions and exercises help reinforce key concepts.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1104 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 12 edition (August 8, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071742581
ISBN-13: 978-0071742580
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 1.8 x 9.5 inches

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Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain 8th Edition, Warren Young


Fully revised throughout, Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, Eighth Edition, provides accurate and thorough tabulated formulations that can be applied to the stress analysis of a comprehensive range of structural components. All equations and diagrams of structural properties are presented in an easy-to-use, thumb, through format.

This extensively updated edition contains new chapters on fatigue and fracture mechanics, stresses in fasteners and joints, composite materials, and biomechanics. Several chapters have been expanded and new topics have been added. Each chapter now concludes with a summary of tables and formulas for ease of reference. This is the definitive resource for designers, engineers, and analysts who need to calculate stress and strain management.

A must-have reference book for mechanical engineers involved in design, analysis, testing, failure analysis, or mentoring. The new chapters on fatigue and fracture mechanics, bolted joints, composite materials, and bio-mechanics make this classic even more comprehensive and valuable to practicing engineers.

As the all-around handy concise reference to stress analysis, Roark's remains King. The differences in the table of contents are listed below. The price is also quite reasonable for a 1072 pg book. Roark's strength remains in the extensive tables of many common and uncommon loading conditions and restraints. The chapters provide brief overviews of the theoretical concepts behind the tables but cannot be regarded as a teaching medium for these deep topics. For example, the chapters on fatigue & joints do not provide the education necessary to become a proficient stress analyst in these areas. Any serious stress analyst also has proficiency in an FEA package as well. Roark's formulas serve to provide terrific verification calculations to confirm FEA results are in the ballpark. Overall, there is no reason to be without this iconic textbook.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1072 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 8 edition (November 28, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071742476
ISBN-13: 978-0071742474
Product Dimensions: 7.7 x 1.6 x 9.5 inches

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Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains 10th Edition, Lee J. Krajewski

Creating value through Operations Management.

Operations Management provides readers with a comprehensive framework for addressing operational process and supply chain issues. This text uses a systemized approach while focusing on issues of current interest.

This book is authentic, not an international version with black and white pictures, different end of chapter problems/scenarios, or cheaply made with very thin pages and draft ink. You get what you pay for but the low end price on this US publisher was due to Amazon's awesome marketplace they've created.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 672 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 10 edition (January 16, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0132807394
ISBN-13: 978-0132807395
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.1 x 10.9 inches

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Illustrated Guide to the NEC 5th Edition, Charles R. Miller

ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 5E provides readers with a unique approach to mastering the Code, using highly-detailed, technically-accurate illustrations and visuals to break down and simplify the expanding volume and complexity of the 2011 National Electrical Code. By translating the sometimes vague, complicated wording of the Code into straightforward illustrations and clear explanations, this book provides a resource that will facilitate comprehension and application of Code requirements for beginning and master electricians alike. Material is organized logically, covering fundamental provisions first, then grouping code requirements by the type of occupancy, beginning with one-family dwellings and progressing on to multi-family housing, commercial locations, and special occupancies. This organization also reflects how information is needed when working in the electrical industry, better preparing readers for the real world. The fifth edition of ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE discusses the new Code changes and shows some of these Code changes through new illustrations while incorporating other Code changes into existing illustrations. Its comprehensive coverage, innovative learning approach, and industry-based organization make this an indispensable supplement to the NEC whether readers need information on a specific area or need to learn the complete Code.

When working in the electrical field, whether design or installation, the NEC is a vital reference. Properly used, it will save one a great deal of time, money, and embarrassment. The illustrated version adds a layer of protection against common misunderstandings and/or misapplication. This book has been very helpful to me as an Electrician. This electrical reference book helps me to quickly find circuit calculations, electrical diagrams, and code requirements. This book has saved me many times from failing an electrical inspection. Very helpful for a tradesman!

Product Details :
Paperback: 496 pages
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning; 5 edition (January 7, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1435498135
ISBN-13: 978-1435498136
Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.8 x 9.7 inches

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

National Electrical Code 2008 Handbook 11th Edition, National Fire Protection Association

Get the expert support needed to comply efficiently, avoid violations, and keep electrical installations on track with the National Electrical Code in this exclusive NEC 2008 Handbook from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Only the handbook offers the full NEC 2008 text alongside expert commentary from code specialists, offering insight into code rationale, explanations of new and revised rules, and practical, hands-on advice on how to apply the code. A valuable resource for anyone involved in electrical design, installation, inspection, and safety, this book will give users the knowledge needed to feel confident that their work will be safe, efficient, and code-compliant. Delmar, a part of Cengage Learning is pleased to make this one-of-a-kind reference - containing the most widely accepted and most frequently used criteria for electrical installations in the U.S. - available directly from us for our customers who work in and around the electrical trades. It may be used independently and also makes an excellent companion to books in Delmar's best-selling electrical wiring series.

This book is a must have.... That's why I can hardly wait to get one! Seriously, if you are an electrician and need to argue your case to an inspector this book (if it's like all it's predecessors) is the authority to help the inspector see your reasoning. After all, this book was written by the NFPA (The same agency that produces the NEC)! If you are an apprentice then you should buy this book instead of the 2008 NEC Code Book. This book has detailed explanations, pictures, and examples to help you understand most if not all the legalese found in the code. It also has the complete 2008 NEC text. If you want to be an expert on electrical code then this is the text for you!

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1500 pages
Publisher: NFPA (distributed by Delmar, Cengage Learning); 11th edition (January 10, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0877657939
ISBN-13: 978-0877657934
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.8 x 1.9 inches

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Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers 11th Edition, Eugene Avallone

Solve any mechanical engineering problem quickly and easily with the world's leading engineering handbook

Nearly 1800 pages of mechanical engineering facts, figures, standards, and practices, 2000 illustrations, and 900 tables clarifying important mathematical and engineering principle, and the collective wisdom of 160 experts help you answer any analytical, design, and application question you will ever have.

The widely used reference first published in 1916 and most recently in 1987 here contains new and rewritten entries on gearing, autofacturing, HVAC, displacement pumps, vibration, computers, robotics, optics, ferrous and nonferrous materials, composites, fluid film bearings, gas turbines, incineration, industrial plants, and patents and trademarks. Arranged in such sections as mathematics, heat, strength of materials, machine elements, building construction and equipment, and power generation. The index is very detailed. Includes many diagrams, drawings, graphs, and charts, but on bibliography.

A useful reference book to have if you are a student or professional. It covers a wide spectrum of subjects. If you focus on one specific subject, then this is not for you. My job requires looking up ASHRAE standards, fluid flow properties and more; this allows me to reference one book, rather than a shelf full. For students, this will have more information than you will probably need as a student, but it is a reference that you will be able to keep and uses in your career. There is also a CD version that is little less expensive. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have been updated recently. There are two things that I do not like. First is the paper. It is thin, similar to what you find in bibles. Second is the size. The book is bulky, so it is not one that you will carry around.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1800 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 11 edition (November 16, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071428674
ISBN-13: 978-0071428675
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 2.5 x 10.3 inches

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Practice Problems for the Mechanical Engineering PE Exam: A Companion to the Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual 12th Edition, Michael R Lindeburg

The best way to prepare for the mechanical PE exam is to solve problems--the more problems the better. Practice Problems for the Mechanical Engineering PE Exam provides you with the breadth-and-depth problem-solving practice you need to successfully prepare for the exam. Build your confidence and improve your problem-solving skills.

This book was a benefit to me, the problems and numerous and force you to apply most of the equations in the MERM. The hydraulics chapter has a disconnect with the MERM, otherwise the problems for the most part were great. They often take much more time than the actual exam problems, but this exercise gets you well prepared, as the exam will narrow in on 3 or 4 steps of problems similar to those found here. IOW, much of what you will have to derive in these problems will be spoonfed to you on the PE mechanical exam.

I recommend working all problems in this book, as well as the author's sample exam book (which also are more difficult than the real test, but not as lengthy as some of these).

I also worked the 6-minute Mechanical Systems and Materials book (recommended) and the NCEES sample exam. That's a lot altogether, but after dealing with all that, the actual exam felt comfortable going by. The PE mechanical exam was fair and at the approximate level of the NCEES sample exam. However, fighting through the problems in this book got me ready, which makes this book very easy to recommend.

I passed my ME PE on my first attempt. In preparation, I completed every problem in this book from Chapters 13-58 as well as a handful of other random problems in this book leading up to my test. I feel that this book was an invaluable preparation tool.

Yes, *some* of the problems in this book take more than 6 minutes to complete. This does not mean the book isn't valuable! The point of this book is NOT to provide simple problems that are solvable in 6 minutes. That is what the various *practice tests* are for. This book provides problems that force you to learn your MERM inside and out backward and forward. The problems presented in this book are often very similar to exam problems - just harder and a little longer. They really force you to learn every step of how to solve a problem.

For example, this book may ask you to do a pumping problem where you are required to lookup scheduled piping dimensions, calculate reynolds #s, friction factors, densities, fitting coefficients (or equivalent lengths) etc. along the way to calculating a total system head loss. On the real test, you might get the exact same type of problem but some of those items are already given to you. Thus, a 10 minute practice problem is turned into a 6 minute test problem. This is why this book is important and why the problems are about the best preparation that is out there for the Mechanical PE exam. You never know which items you will be given and which to find on the test so it's better to understand the whole concept, not JUST the most popular 6 minute versions.

Do not listen to anyone saying these problems take 30 minutes to solve. I would say on average they take anywhere from 3-15 minutes to solve depending on if it is your first time doing the problem and whether you are familiar with the topic at all.

I will say that this book is a little light on HVAC problems; however, pick up the 6 Minute Solutions HVAC book as well as work your other HVAC-depth practice problems and you will be good to go if you are HVAC like I was.

Product Details :
Paperback: 592 pages
Publisher: Professional Publications, Inc.; Twelfth Edition, New Edition edition (June 1, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591260507
ISBN-13: 978-1591260509
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 1.2 inches

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Project Management Metrics, KPIs, and Dashboards: A Guide to Measuring and Monitoring Project Performance 1st Edition, Harold Kerzner

Essential strategies from Harold Kerzner on measuring project management performance

The maze-like path of today's projects reflects a business environment that's growing in complexity. Factors influencing projects, such as new advancements in computer technology, an unpredictable economy, and the increase in stakeholder involvement make metrics and key performance indicators (KPI) for project management an important focus. Such measures are commonly used to help an organization define and evaluate how successful it is, typically, in terms of making progress towards its long-term organizational goals.

Project Management Metrics, KPIs, and Dashboards helps functional managers gain a thorough understanding of what metrics are and how they can be best implemented to gain traction in a fast-paced and diverse working atmosphere. With content aligned with PMI's PMBOK® Guide, this book offers extensive coverage on KPIs and how they may be monitored, using techniques such as business dashboards to assist in prescribing meaningful business strategies. After reading this book, functional managers will bolster their awareness of what good metrics management really entails—and be armed with the knowledge to measure performance more effectively.

Throughout the book, helpful illustrations clarify complex concepts and processes. These illustrations are also available as PowerPoint slides for course and seminar presentations.

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Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 22nd Edition, American Public Health Association

Analysts, researchers, and regulators have relied on this peer-reviewed publication since 1905, and it remains a trusted source of accurate, proven methodology for analyzing natural waters, water supplies, and wastewaters.

The book contains over 400 laboratory methods for the analysis of: Dissolved Solids,
Metals, Free and Total Chlorine, Odor, Taste, and Flavor Profile Analysis, Disinfection By-products, Radionuclides, Total Organic Carbon
and Total and Fecal Coliform.

The 22nd edition advances the science of water analysis with input and consensus of hundreds of water and wastewater experts from around the world. Laboratories worldwide rely on this comprehensive reference as a trusted source of accurate, proven methodology for analysis of water, water supplies, and wastewater. It is the essential resource.

The methods in the 22nd edition (as in previous editions) are believed to be the best available, generally accepted procedures for analyzing water, wastewater, and related materials. They represent the recommendations of specialists, ratified by a large number of analysts and others of more general expertise, and as such are truly consensus standards, offering a valid and recognized basis for control and evaluation.

All methods are dated to identify which ones changed significantly between editions.

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Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook 8th Edition, Don Green

Get Cutting-Edge Coverage of All Chemical Engineering Topics—from Fundamentals to the Latest Computer Applications.

First published in 1934, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook has equipped generations of engineers and chemists with an expert source of chemical engineering information and data. Now updated to reflect the latest technology and processes of the new millennium, the Eighth Edition of this classic guide provides unsurpassed coverage of every aspect of chemical engineering-from fundamental principles to chemical processes and equipment to new computer applications.

Inside This Updated Chemical Engineering Guide

Conversion Factors and Mathematical Symbols • Physical and Chemical Data • Mathematics • Thermodynamics • Heat and Mass Transfer • Fluid and Particle Dynamics Reaction Kinetics • Process Control • Process Economics • Transport and Storage of Fluids • Heat Transfer Equipment • Psychrometry, Evaporative Cooling, and Solids Drying • Distillation • Gas Absorption and Gas-Liquid System Design • Liquid-Liquid Extraction Operations and Equipment • Adsorption and Ion Exchange • Gas-Solid Operations and Equipment • Liquid-Solid Operations and Equipment • Solid-Solid Operations and Equipment • Size Reduction and Size Enlargement • Handling of Bulk Solids and Packaging of Solids and Liquids • Alternative Separation Processes • And Many Other Topics!

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Automotive Technology: A Systems Approach 5th Edition, Jack Erjavec

Published in full color for the first time, Automotive Technology: A Systems Approach, 3E is a comprehensive resource covering the theory of operation, diagnostics, and repair procedures for each system and subsystem of late model domestic and foreign automobiles and light trucks. Topics such as electricity, electronics, engine performance, steering and suspension, the use of diagnostic equipment, OBDII, electronic automatic transmissions, anti-lock braking systems, air-conditioning refrigerants and retrofitting, and many others have been expanded and updated.

Color photographs, diagrams, and drawings highlight this volume, including 52 photo sequences that illustrate the steps for procedures such as installing a piston and rod assembly and installing and aligning a clutch disc. The book explains recent changes in automotive technology, as well as each of a car's systems, their functions, and a variety of repair techniques. Sections identify the differences among auto makers, and provide basic definitions of important theory, such as electrical and coolant processes. Erjavec has authored twenty-plus automotive text books and has taught in vocational education at Columbus State Community College.

I remember both hating and loving this book in college. I learned a lot from it and it's set up in a practical way....Its tips on each page really helped. Not only does it work well as its own tool for mechanics, but it prepares you for the automotive industry and all of its hassles. Best yet, I can still fix my El Caminos and can diagnose problems with just about anything that comes my way. There must be SOMETHING good about it. ;-)

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1664 pages
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning; 5 edition (January 13, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1428311491
ISBN-13: 978-1428311497
Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 2.4 x 10.9 inches

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FE/EIT Sample Examinations 2nd Edition, Michael R. Lindeburg PE

This book provides very good simulation exams for the General FE test. Although you will not expect the same problems may appear by any chance in your real FE exam, it really helps to do these simulations before you go to the test. The problems help you to review all the knowledge you need to know (at least where you can find it in the standard reference book) for the test. If you mean to pass the exam at the first time, you need to do this.

This book was not bad. It is quite large to carry around, but that's not really such a big issue. It is meant to prepare you for the "other disciplines" afternoon test and the general morning exam. If you are using this book to just study for the morning section, remember to ignore certain concepts. Print out the topic breakdown from the NCEES website and use that to decide which topics to skip. For instance, Biology is not on the morning section.

Some sections present problems that are a bit harder than what you will see on the morning section of the exam. Again, the main issue with this book is it does not separate the review for morning and afternoon sections, so in order to just cover the simpler material for the morning exam, one might have to make decisions about what material is unnecessary to study. It is possible to make that sort of judgment call, but this is not really the job of the studier to take care of this. It should be broken down by the author for the reader's convenience. I believe if you use this book, and you go through every section, do the practice problems and sample exams, and go back and do the diagnostics at the beginning of each section afterward, you will be prepared to do well on the morning section. Again, the book is decent and is pretty much all that I found was available for the FE exam. There is a limited selection of review material.

Product Details :
Paperback: 136 pages
Publisher: Professional Publications, Inc.; Second Edition edition (August 1, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591260744
ISBN-13: 978-1591260745
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 0.3 inches

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Architectural Graphic Standards 11th Edition, The American Institute of Architects

Since 1932, the ten editions of Architectural Graphic Standards have been referred to as the "architect's bible." From site excavation to structures to roofs, this book is the first place to look when an architect is confronted with a question about building design. With more than 8,000 architectural illustrations, including both reference drawings and constructible architectural details, this book provides an easily accessible graphic reference for highly visual professionals.

To celebrate seventy-five years as the cornerstone of an industry, this commemorative Eleventh Edition is the most thorough and significant revision of Architectural Graphic Standards in a generation. For over 70 years, architects have been using a valuable reference book, ¿Architectural Graphic Standards.¿ ¿Architectural Graphic Standards¿ (11th edition) is organized roughly per the UniFormat(r) classification system, i.e., by function instead of by product or material. This new edition has expanded and new content covering contemporary issues, such as LEED standards, green materials, sustainable construction, recyclability, new building systems, structural technologies, universal, and accessible design strategies, computing technologies including Building Information Modeling (BIM) and CAD/CAM, etc. It may take you a while to get used to this new format, but the information is still valuable and current. ¿Architectural Graphic Standards¿ has 1120 pages (9.7 x 11.6 inches large format) and numerous line drawings. It is a must-have for architects, landscape architects and urban planners, interior designers, engineers or any other building-related design professionals.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1120 pages
Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 11th edition (March 30, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471700916
ISBN-13: 978-0471700913
Product Dimensions: 9.6 x 1.8 x 11.7 inches

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Practice Problems for the Civil Engineering PE Exam: A Companion to the Civil Engineering Reference Manual 13th Edition, Michael R. Lindeburg PE

Working through the practice problems in this book and then consulting the detailed solutions will help you understand not only what the correct answer is, but why it is correct and the most efficient way to arrive at the answer.

Overall it is good PE exam review material, but there is a surprising amount of typos and errors in the solutions for this type of book. Nevertheless, I recommend it

Practice Problems for the Civil Engineering PE Exam contains 755 problems designed to help you identify important civil engineering topics and apply your knowledge to a variety of problems. Short, six-minute, multiple-choice problems demonstrate the format of the NCEES Civil PE exam and help you concentrate on a single subject. More complex problems combine several concepts, illustrate efficient and accurate solving methods, and familiarize you with the codes, standards, and references you’ll need for the exam.

Solutions are clear, complete, and easy to follow. U.S. customary and SI units are equally supported, and units are meticulously identified and rigorously carried through all calculations. Where multiple methodologies (e.g., ASD and LRFD) are permitted by the exam, both solutions are presented in this book. Frequent references back to the Civil Engineering Reference Manual and the original codes and standards direct you to support material when you need it.

Product Details :
Paperback: 754 pages
Publisher: Professional Publications, Inc.; Thirteenth Edition, New Edition edition (April 26, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591263824
ISBN-13: 978-1591263821
Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.5 x 1.7 inches

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The Architecture Student's Handbook of Professional Practice 14th Edition, American Institute of Architects

Written by The American Institute of Architects, this is the definitive textbook on practice issues written specifically for architecture students. Specifically written for emerging architects, this is the first unabbreviated guide specifically for architecture students about to begin their careers. It is required reading in a professional practice course that architecture students must take within their final two years of school.

"The Architecture Student's Handbook of Professional Practice" has 4 parts, including the profession, the firm, the project, as well as contracts and agreements. Each part is further divided into chapters and subchapters, including: Professional life, legal dimension of practice, and professional development Developing a practice, running a practice, marketing and public relations, client relations, human resources, financial management, risk management, and firm operation Project definition, project delivery, project management, quality management, and building codes and regulations Types of agreements and AIA contract documents It also has some useful appendixes: Resources for intern architects, allied professional organizations, state registration boards, schools of architecture, sample AIA contract documents, glossary and Index. Most of Americans will open a book, read an average of 18 pages, and then put it away and let it sit on the shelf. I guess most architecture students will look through the table of content of this book, and look up the portion when they need it, and then put it away. One suggestion I have for AIA is to publish an abridged edition and reduce the number of the pages to make it more usable, and focus on the stuff that architecture students have to deal with everyday or 80% of the time. "The Architecture Student's Handbook of Professional Practice" has 720 pages. Overall, it is a useful resource for architecture students. Gang Chen, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Author of "Architectural Practice Simplified," "LEED GA Exam Guide," "Planting Design Illustrated," and other books on various LEED exams, architecture, and landscape architecture

Product Details :
Paperback: 720 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 14th edition (October 27, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470088699
ISBN-13: 978-0470088692
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.1 x 10.8 inches

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Factory Physics 3rd Edition, Wallace J. Hopp

After a brief introductory chapter, Factory Physics 3/e is divided into three parts: I – The Lessons of History; II – Factory Physics; and III – Principles in Practice. The scientific approach to manufacturing and supply chain management, developed in Part II, is unique to this text. No other text or professional book provides a rigorous, principles-based foundation for manufacturing management. The Third Edition offers tighter connections between Lean Manufacturing, MRP/ERP, Six Sigma, Supply Chain Management, and Factory Physics. In addition to enhancing the historical overview of how these systems evolved, the authors show explicitly how users can achieve Lean Manufacturing objectives (faster response, less inventory) using the integration aspects of MRP/ERP/SCM systems along with the variance analysis methods of Six Sigma. Factory Physics provides the overarching framework that coordinates all of these initiatives into a single-focused strategy.

Outlines underlying principles that drive operating relationships within a factory. Sections of technical notes present justification, examples, and methodologies that rely on mathematics (although nothing higher than simple calculus). Includes study questions, problems, and intuition-building exercises. This second edition contains more problems and examples, Web support, and additional material on areas including inventory management, personnel, variability pooling, and supply chain management. Can be used for manufacturing management students in a core manufacturing operations course, MBA students in a second operations management course, and BS and MS industrial engineering students in a production control course. Hopp is affiliated with Northwestern University. Spearman is affiliated with Georgia Institute of Technology.

Our economy and future way of life depend on how well American manufacturing managers adapt to the dynamic, globally competitive landscape and evolve their firms to keep pace. A major challenge is how to structure the firm s environment so that it attains the speed and low cost of high-volume flow lines while retaining the flexibility and customization potential of a low-volume job shop.

The book's three parts are organized according to three categories of skills required by managers and engineers: basics, intuition, and synthesis. Part I reviews traditional operations management techniques and identifies the necessary components of the science of manufacturing. Part II presents the core concepts of the book, beginning with the structure of the science of manufacturing and a discussion of the systems approach to problem solving. Other topics include behavioral tendencies of manufacturing plants, push and pull production systems, the human element in operations management, and the relationship between quality and operations. Chapter conclusions include main points and observations framed as manufacturing laws. In Part III, the lessons of Part I and the laws of Part II are applied to address specific manufacturing management issues in detail. The authors compare and contrast common problems, including shop floor control, long-range aggregate planning, workforce planning, and capacity management. A main focus in Part III is to help readers visualize how general concepts in Part II can be applied to specific problems.

Written for both engineering and management students, the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of a rule-based and data driven approach to operations planning and control. They advance an organized framework from which to evaluate management practices and develop useful intuition about manufacturing systems.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 720 pages
Publisher: Waveland Pr Inc; 3 edition (August 31, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1577667395
ISBN-13: 978-1577667391
Product Dimensions: 8 x 10 inches

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Structural Steel Design 5th Edition, Jack C. McCormac

The material is presented in a clear, reader-friendly style. This best-selling text has been fully updated to conform to the latest American Manual of Steel Construction. Both Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and Allowable Stress Design (ASD) are now covered and calculations are worked out side-by-side to allow for easy identification of the different methods. Use of SI units as an addition to the primary use of Inch-Pound units. New coverage of Lateral Torsional Bending and Hollow Structural Sections. For steel design students and professionals.

Generally, I find the author to be a descent author, but I found his book on structural steel design to simply ramble on with plenty of examples but no overview of where he is coming from. Therefore, I found it difficult to learn from the book. I read it up to chapter 14 and realized I couldn't solve a single problem. That's after passing a structural steel design corse in civil engineering. This book is no substitue for a good course taught by a good professor. If you have neither, this book will not fill the gap unfortunately. His book on reinforced concrete is much much better. In his steel book there is more structural analysis than steel design. I think author Jack Mccormac can do a better job of it.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 736 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 5 edition (August 6, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0136079482
ISBN-13: 978-0136079484
Product Dimensions: 7 x 1.1 x 9.1 inches

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Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-10 1st Edition, American Society of Civil Engineers

Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures provides requirements for general structural design and includes means for determining dead, live, soil, flood, wind, snow, rain, atmospheric ice, and earthquake loads, as well as their combinations, which are suitable for inclusion in building codes and other documents. This Standard, a revision of ASCE/SEI 7-05, offers a complete update and reorganization of the wind load provisions, expanding them from one chapter into six. The Standard contains new ultimate event wind maps with corresponding reductions in load factors, so that the loads are not affected, and updates the seismic loads with new risk-targeted seismic maps. The snow, live, and atmospheric icing provisions are updated as well. In addition, the Standard includes a detailed Commentary with explanatory and supplementary information designed to assist building code committees and regulatory authorities.

Standard ASCE/SEI 7 is an integral part of building codes in the United States. Many of the load provisions are substantially adopted by reference in the International Building Code and the NFPA 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code.

Structural engineers, architects, and those engaged in preparing and administering local building codes will find this Standard an essential reference in their practice.

Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE/SEI 7-10, is a complete revision of ASCE Standard 7-05. ASCE 7-10 offers a complete update and reorganization of the wind load provisions, expanding them from one chapter into six to make them more understandable and easier to follow. ASCE 7-10 provides new ultimate event wind maps with corresponding reductions in load factors, so that the loads are not affected. It updates the seismic loads of ASCE 7-05, offering new risk-targeted seismic maps. The snow load, live load, and atmospheric icing provisions of ASCE 7-05 are all updated as well.

Product Details :
Paperback: 650 pages
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; 1 edition (May 12, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0784410852
ISBN-13: 978-0784410851
Product Dimensions: 4.3 x 1.7 x 3.4 inches

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Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods 5th Edition, Edward Allen

This new edition of the bestselling reference, Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods provides the complete, up-to-date coverage of building construction practices that thousands of professionals and students of architecture, engineering, and construction technology have been relying on for years. using the new International Building Code as its basis, this classic guidebook covers the complete range of construction activities, from excavating and foundations to cladding and interior finishes. It's organized around a detailed treatment of the structural systems most widely used in North America: heavy timber, wood light frame, masonry, steel, light gauge steel, and reinforced and precast concrete. Fundamentals of Building Construction, Fourth Edition makes available to students and professionals an array of construction information that is unprecedented in scope and quality.

This revision of the authoritative handbook on common building materials and methods includes current information on foundations, new uses for plastics in construction and more. Fifty new photographs and 25 new line drawings further enhance the existing program of over 900 illustrations.

Now in its Fifth Edition, this essential textbook has been used by thousands of students annually in schools of architecture, engineering, and construction technology. The bestselling reference focuses on the basic materials and methods used in building construction, emphasizing common construction systems such as light wood frames, masonry bearing walls, steel frames, and reinforced concrete. New introductory material on the processes, organization, constraints, and choices in construction offers a better look at the management of construction. New sections covering the building envelope uncover the secrets to designing enclosures for thermal insulation, vapor retarders, air barriers, and moisture control. The Fifth Edition also features more axonometric detail drawings and revised photographs for a thoroughly illustrated approach and the latest IBC 2006, CSI MasterFormat, ASTM references, and LEED information.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1008 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 5 edition (December 10, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 047007468X
ISBN-13: 978-0470074688
Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 2.2 x 11.3 inches

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Microwave Engineering 4th Edition, David M. Pozar

Pozar's new edition of Microwave Engineering includes more material on active circuits, noise, nonlinear effects, and wireless systems. Chapters on noise and nonlinear distortion, and active devices have been added along with the coverage of noise and more material on intermodulation distortion and related nonlinear effects. On active devices, there's more updated material on bipolar junction and field effect transistors.

New and updated material on wireless communications systems, including link budget, link margin, digital modulation methods, and bit error rates is also part of the new edition. Other new material includes a section on transients on transmission lines, the theory of power waves, a discussion of higher order modes and frequency effects for microstrip line, and a discussion of how to determine unloaded.

A textbook for a two-semester course for senior or first-year graduate engineering students. Includes material for those with less than an undergraduate level background in electromagnetics. Emphasizes the fundamental concepts of Maxwell's equations, wave propagation, network analysis, and design principles. The second edition includes more coverage of active circuits, and to make room for it, drops some peripheral material included in the first, for which no date is given.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 752 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 4 edition (November 22, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470631554
ISBN-13: 978-0470631553
Product Dimensions: 7.2 x 2.2 x 10.2 inches

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Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 7th Edition, J.M. Smith

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 7/e, presents comprehensive coverage of the subject of thermodynamics from a chemical engineering viewpoint. The text provides a thorough exposition of the principles of thermodynamics and details their application to chemical processes. The chapters are written in a clear, logically organized manner, and contain an abundance of realistic problems, examples, and illustrations to help students understand complex concepts. New ideas, terms, and symbols constantly challenge the readers to think and encourage them to apply this fundamental body of knowledge to the solution of practical problems.

The comprehensive nature of this book makes it a useful reference both in graduate courses and for professional practice. The seventh edition continues to be an excellent tool for teaching the subject of chemical engineering thermodynamics to undergraduate students.

This edition of the Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics is much more friendly version to the reader than former ones. It also has more industry related problems. Another change with respect to the former ones is that The example problems are exposed and solved in the SI system of units, which is a more globally used system than the English one.

It is a classic book for chemical engineers and a must read book either as a main textbook or as an alternate textbook, for anyone planning to do undergraduate or graduate thermodynamic courses in that discipline.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 840 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 7 edition (November 12, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0073104450
ISBN-13: 978-0073104454
Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 1.5 x 9.5 inches

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Engineering Economy 15th Edition, William G. Sullivan

A succinct job description for an engineer consists of just two words: problem solver. Broadly speaking, engineers use knowledge to find new ways of doing things economically. Engineering design solutions do not exist in a vacuum, but within the context of a business opportunity. Truly, every problem has multiple solutions, so the question is, “How does one rationally select the design solution with the most favorable economic result?” The answer to this question can also be put forth in two words: engineering economy. This field of engineering provides a systematic framework for evaluating the economic aspects of competing design solutions. Just as engineers model the stress on a support column or the thermodynamic properties of a steam turbine, they must also model the economic impact of their engineering recommendations. Engineering economy is the subject of this textbook.

The new edition of a textbook for engineering students on the economic factors of the design process. Topics include comparing alternatives, depreciation and income taxes, replacement analysis, probabilistic risk analysis, and capital financing and allocation.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 672 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 15 edition (January 6, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0132554909
ISBN-13: 978-0132554909
Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 1.1 x 9.1 inches

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Structural Analysis 8th Edition, Russell C. Hibbeler

This book provides students with a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of structural analysis as it applies to trusses, beams, and frames. Emphases are placed on teaching readers to both model and analyze a structure. A hallmark of the book, Procedures for Analysis, has been retained in this edition to provide learners with a logical, orderly method to follow when applying theory. Chapter topics include types of structures and loads, analysis of statically determinate structures, analysis of statically determinate trusses, internal loadings developed in structural members, cables and arches, influence lines for statically determinate structures, approximate analysis of statically indeterminate structures, deflections, analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the force method, displacement method of analysis: slope-deflection equations, displacement method of analysis: moment distribution, analysis of beams and frames consisting of nonprismatic members, truss analysis using the stiffness method, beam analysis using the stiffness method, and plane frame analysis using the stiffness method. For individuals planning for a career as structural engineers.

Hibbeler's text on structural analysis generally contains many and helpful example problems throughout the text that do relate to homework problems at the end of the chapters, and all but a few of the problems have answers at the end of the book (I only missed two points out of 200 on homeworks because we could always check answers!). I have found a few, but minor mistakes in the answers, usually involving incorrect units in answers. There is no way I could have done well in the class without the well-developed example problems. The course TA using this book should have a complete solutions guide to the book where students can get help if they can't come up with the answer in the back of the book for a problem. Don't order the international edition of this book - I did and later ordered the expensive US edition because of the hassle of dealing with the purely SI unit international edition.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 720 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 8 edition (March 7, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 013257053X
ISBN-13: 978-0132570534
Product Dimensions: 8 x 1.1 x 9.2 inches

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Electrical Wiring Residential 17th Edition, Ray C. Mullin

ELECTRICAL WIRING RESIDENTIAL, 17E, updated to comply with the 2011 National Electrical Code, is a bestselling book that will help you learn the basics of residential wiring in both new and existing homes. This book uses a practical approach and comprehensive coverage to guide you step-by-step through the critical tasks and responsibilities that face today's professional residential electricians. With coverage of energy conservation laws like Title 24, as well as today's important concepts such as ground fault circuit interrupters, smoke, heat, and carbon monoxide alarms, 2011 NEC requirements for house wiring, and Solar Photovoltaic Systems, you can feel confident you are getting the very latest in industry standards and procedures. A unique feature of ELECTRICAL WIRING RESIDENTIAL, 17E is the sets of plans in the back of the book that offers you opportunities for hands-on practice in interpreting and applying Code requirements, making this an ideal resource for those who will work in the residential electrical industry. This book also contains updated Illustrations coordinated with the latest NEC regulations.

This comprehensive guide is designed to teach aspiring professionals the design concepts and electrical code for issues facing residential electricians. Its content is also helpful to serious amateurs (not beginners) wanting to gain a more thorough knowledge of wiring than can be learned from the pictorial DIY guides. This book emphasizes the National Electric Code (NEC) for each topic and is updated every three years to include the changes made to the NEC. The code's phrasing is not always intuitive, and much of the text explains NEC requirements.

Although the volume is sold primarily to students taking technical courses and those studying for the residential electrician license exam, it can be useful to serious do-it-yourselfers. If you are building a house or adding on, you will find topics regarding new construction that simply aren't covered in DIY pictorial guides. This 800 page book presents the "complete picture" and code for subjects including service entrances, voltage drop calculations, conductor sizing, sub-panels, branch circuit design, central heating systems, spas, standby electrical systems, interconnected smoke detectors, etc.

If you have some expertise and want to wire your new home so that it will pass inspection, this book tells you what you need to know. The book can help the sophisticated amateur get it right. That said, my advice is to hire a licensed journeyman electrician to guide and review your major projects. Safety is critical, and your local home inspector may not be thorough enough to catch things that could lead to fire or malfunction.

"Electrical Wiring Residential" has almost no content on repairs or upgrades to existing wiring. The focus is new construction. Most professionals will admit to carrying in their truck a heavily illustrated DIY guide like Black & Decker's "The Complete Guide to Wiring" or Home Depot's "Wiring 1-2-3." And, persons tackling small repair or upgrade projects would be better served by an illustrated DIY guide. These DIY books are more beginner friendly.

If you need a text covering mostly new construction with a strong focus on NEC requirements, this book is thorough (and more than occasionally redundant). As an aside, there are a surprising number of grammatical errors (usually subject/verb disagreement). Moreover, there are passages where new text was careless integrated with prior content. Some sections have contradictory passages with content pertaining to prior code in the same paragraph with text based on new code. That said, a careful reading will correctly decipher the meaning. Those wanting a less academic approach to the subject should check out the latest edition of Rex Cauldwell's "Wiring a House."

Note: Always search for books consistent with the latest NEC. You want books with current content so that your work will pass inspection. Moreover, the code updates include sensible improvements of modest cost that can prevent damage and save lives.

Product Details :
Paperback: 816 pages
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning; 17 edition (January 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1435498267
ISBN-13: 978-1435498266
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 1.4 x 10.8 inches

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Automotive Technology 4th Edition, James D. Halderman

Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service, Fourth Edition, meets the needs for a comprehensive book that covers all eight areas of automotive service, plus the soft skills and tool knowledge that must also be taught. Because many automotive systems are intertwined, presenting all systems together in one text makes it easier for the student to see how they are all connected. Topics are divided into 133 short chapters, which makes it easier for instructors and students to learn and master the content.

Whether you're among the mechanically disinclined, taking a first class in auto shop, a shade tree mechanic or already working in the profession at any level, THIS is the right tool for the job of understanding how vehicles work, how to diagnose, how to fix them and which tools to use. Even just a casual perousal demonstrates this is a supreme text for anyone with an interest in cars or even just mechanical.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1664 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 4 edition (April 28, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0132542617
ISBN-13: 978-0132542616
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 2.2 x 12 inches

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Design and Analysis of Experiments 8th Edition, Douglas C. Montgomery

This bestselling professional reference has helped over 100,000 engineers and scientists with the success of their experiments. The new edition includes more software examples taken from the three most dominant programs in the field: Minitab, JMP, and SAS. Additional material has also been added in several chapters, including new developments in robust design and factorial designs. New examples and exercises are also presented to illustrate the use of designed experiments in service and transactional organizations. Engineers will be able to apply this information to improve the quality and efficiency of working systems.

The eighth edition of Design and Analysis of Experiments continues to provide extensive and in-depth information on engineering, business, and statistics-as well as informative ways to help readers design and analyze experiments for improving the quality, efficiency and performance of working systems. Furthermore, the text maintains its comprehensive coverage by including: new examples, exercises, and problems (including in the areas of biochemistry and biotechnology); new topics and problems in the area of response surface; new topics in nested and split-plot design; and the residual maximum likelihood method is now emphasized throughout the book.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 752 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 8 edition (April 10, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1118146921
ISBN-13: 978-1118146927
Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 8.2 x 1.2 inches

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Fundamentals of Machine Component Design 5th Edition, Robert C. Juvinall

The latest edition of Juvinall/Marshek's Fundamentals of Machine Component Design focuses on sound problem solving strategies and skills needed to navigate through large amounts of information. Revisions in the text include coverage of Fatigue in addition to a continued concentration on the fundamentals of component design. Several other new features include new learning objectives added at the beginning of all chapters; updated end-of-chapter problems, the elimination of weak problems and addition of new problems; updated applications for currency and relevance and new ones where appropriate; new system analysis problems and examples; improved sections dealing with Fatigue; expanded coverage of failure theory; and updated references.

To solve mechanical component problems, you need a solid understanding of the fundamentals of component design as well as good engineering judgment. Juvinall and Marshek’s Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, Fourth Edition will help you develop both, so you can apply your knowledge, skills, and imagination to professional engineering problems.

Now revised and updated, this Fourth Edition continues to focus on the fundamentals of component design––free body diagrams, force flow concepts, failure theories, and fatigue design, with applications to fasteners, springs, bearings, gears, shafts, clutches, and brakes. A proven problem-solving methodology guides you through the process of accurately formulating problems and clearly presenting solutions. Graphical procedures help you visualize the solution format, develop added insight about the significance of the results, and determine how the design can be improved.

Filled with solved examples, problems, and handy tables, this text will be a valuable reference throughout your academic and professional careers.

Juvinall (mechanical engineering, U. of Michigan) and Marshek (mechanical engineering, U. of Texas-Austin) update their textbook for introductory courses and reference for practicing engineers. They assume readers have had basic courses in mechanics, strength of materials, and materials properties, though they review and extend the basic background before applying the fundamentals to specific machine components and finally to a complete machine. They do not mention dates for the earlier editions, but here add compute-and-plot sample problems, finite element analysis, Web site addresses, Web problems, material selection charts, and open-ended design problems. The CD contains representative sample problems with solutions, and MathCAD and HiQ problems.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 928 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 5 edition (September 27, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1118012895
ISBN-13: 978-1118012895
Product Dimensions: 10.2 x 8.4 x 1.4 inches

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Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 18th Edition, Andrew D. Althouse

Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning provides an excellent blend of theory with job-qualifying skills, making it a leader in the refrigeration and air conditioning field! This comprehensive text teaches both fundamental principles and the service techniques needed to diagnose and remedy refrigeration and HVAC problems. Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning contains the information needed to prepare the technician for success in todays world. Includes information about EPA rules and regulations covering refrigerant recovery, recycling, and reclaiming. Both students and practicing technicians will benefit from the comprehensive approach of this text, which provides a solid and thorough knowledge of all aspects of refrigeration and air conditioning.

Provides a thorough course on the basic and advanced principles of refrigeration and air conditioning. Thirty-one chapters discuss such topics as: tools, materials, and controls systems; compression, commercial, absorption, special refrigeration, cooling and dehumidifying, and heating and humidification systems; refrigerant recovery/recycling/reclaiming; electrical-magnetic fundamentals; servicing and installing small hermetic and commercial systems; air distribution, measurement, and cleaning; central air condition and heat pumps; solar energy; automotive air conditioning; servicing and troubleshooting simplified; passing technician certification exams. Contains many illustrations and diagrams.

It's made a good companion for reading and comprehension and a good guide for work

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1211 pages
Publisher: Goodheart-Willcox Co; 18th edition (August 1, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1590702808
ISBN-13: 978-1590702802
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 2 x 11 inches

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Delmar's Standard Textbook of Electricity 5th Edition, Stephen Herman

Mastering the theory and application of electrical concepts is necessary for a successful career in the electrical installation or industrial maintenance fields, and this new fifth edition of DELMAR'S STANDARD TEXTBOOK OF ELECTRICITY delivers! Designed to teach by blending concepts relating to electrical theory and principles with practical 'how to' information that prepares you for situations commonly encountered on the job. Topics span all the major aspects of the electrical field including atomic structure and basic electricity, direct and alternating current, basic circuit theory, three-phase circuits, single phase, transformers, generators, and motors. This revision retains all the hallmarks of our market-leading prior editions and includes enhancements such as updates to the 2011 NEC, a new chapter on industry orientation, and new coverage of constant-current transformers and fuel cells as well as tips on energy efficiency throughout the text.

I only found one typographical error in 1050 pages of reading. The colored illustrations are very helpful in understanding the concepts, which are well-described in words as well. This is probably one of the best designed textbooks I have every studied. There are plenty of practical examples of electrical problems that are solved and explained in the text. I can't imagine there being a better textbook on the subject than this superb work, now in its 5th perfected and updated edition.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1152 pages
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning; 5 edition (December 7, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1111539154
ISBN-13: 978-1111539153
Product Dimensions: 8.1 x 1.7 x 9.4 inches

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 5th Edition, Douglas C. Montgomery

Montgomery and Runger's bestselling engineering statistics text provides a practical approach oriented to engineering as well as chemical and physical sciences. By providing unique problem sets that reflect realistic situations, students learn how the material will be relevant in their careers. With a focus on how statistical tools are integrated into the engineering problem-solving process, all major aspects of engineering statistics are covered. Developed with sponsorship from the National Science Foundation, this text incorporates many insights from the authors' teaching experience along with feedback from numerous adopters of previous editions.

An introductory textbook for a first course in applied statistics and probability for undergraduate students in engineering and the physical or chemical sciences. All of the examples and exercises are engineering-based and in almost all cases they use real data. Throughout, output from Statgraphics and SAS is presented to exemplify what can be done with modern statistical software. Assumes one or two semesters of calculus.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 784 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 5 edition (March 23, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470053046
ISBN-13: 978-0470053041
Product Dimensions: 10.2 x 8.2 x 1.3 inches

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